Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Gate to Sumatera

Lampung - Gate to Sumatra

15 – 18 Oktober 2010. Memorable day in Lampung. This city is known as“Gate to Sumatra”. As time goes by, I realize that life is a very short trip. Especially at this moment. Today we meet, tomorrow another goodbye should been said. Even though there are a lot of funny experience..

A few things about Lampung:
  1. No traditional food. Only banana chip with variety flavor.
  2. It’s hard to find public transportation. Taxi with a very high price… T.T””””
  3. HOT!!! I mean.. the weather is very hot..
Me in the newspaper (Lampung post)

Besides of those things, Lampung has a very great view. From my hotel, I can see a beautiful combination between the volcano mountain and the sea. Still very traditional. Another thing is… I’m published in the local newspaper.. Hohoho. *shining and blinking.. Hohohooho.. C u in another season of my life.. =D

The crowd in Lampung

View from my hotel