Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

February 2011 Remarks..

With Cousins

Hai fellas.. How's your February?? I hope February has been good for you.. Hohoho..

This February creates many memory:
1. Chinese New Year. I'm so happy I can spend my Chinese New Year at my home town with all my family members.. It's the first time I meet my big brother special friends from Pekanbaru.. Also I'm really happy I can have quality time with my cousins.. (Crazy karaoke, food hunting, etc)

Last dinner with my brother girlfriend (right)
I'm thanking God for all the red pocket I achieve this year.. May this be the sign of prosperity for the future.. 

Crazy Sanguins Peoples.

Also I’m thanking God for all friends supporting me.. Imagine life without them..

Gosh.. He's SLIM

PS: My best friends lost a huge amount of weight!!!! OMG!!!

2. Valentine is the beginning of my 6th semester.. @.@""" Hahaahaha.. A bit dull for valentine but still it's exciting to meet my college's friends.. Hope I can get a perfect score in every class.. And this year I'll hunt a scholarship for my master degree..

3. Reorganize few things in my life.. Such as my goal, my schedule, my attitude, my friends and many more.. Get out of my comfort zone and shine the light in me..

4. Dear God, please recover my laptop and my gadget.. T.T Huhuhuhuhu.. It's killing me.. Aaarrrggghhh...

February has been good.. Still too early to say but I think 2011 will be good and brighter till the end..